Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Surrendering Your Plans

A thought occurred to me, to what end? Why was I actually doing all these things? I saw how fast I had gone from my wrestling season being over right into trying to achieve the next thing. If I couldn’t be perfect in that area, I might as well go be perfect somewhere else right? For the first time, I realized that there was no satisfaction in any of those things I had been trying so hard to achieve. I finally got everything I wanted. Yet still, there was something lacking in me.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

How My Life Drastically Changed

I slipped into this dangerous cycle of maintaining control and creating future plans for myself. I allowed myself to continuously daydream and visualize about my future timeline which was nonexistent in that moment… I was pretty confident in the plans I had made, but something just felt a little off. Deep in my heart, I knew something just wasn’t right.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

You are Accepted

The question here is not if God accepts you, because he does. The question is, can you accept yourself? So many times, we are gripped by sin and shame, and we don’t think we can ever be accepted. The truth is…

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