Is It Even Worth It?

By: Missionary Team

“We are His hands and feet.” This isn’t just a nice thing to think about and say. In fact, it isn’t even just because Jesus is in heaven, and so what we do is the way Christ is in the lives of others. Being Christ’s hands and feet is the reality that I am nothing and can do nothing without the grace of God, even that which I choose to do is Jesus’ grace. In fact, even the choosing itself is Jesus’ grace. Therefore, I must not do good in expectation of reward.

To not seek attention and reward from doing a good action is not this: I am choosing to appear less than I actually am. However, it is the realization that even the good that I do is Christ, so how can I take credit. All is Christ. When I choose to do good, it is only God’s gift of grace and my will to receive the grace. Yet even that acceptance of His grace is grace. “Jesus, I surrender.” When we hear, “If you are not rewarded, God will reward you in heaven,” although it is true, I would take it a step deeper. The good that you did, was Jesus performing it in you; therefore, I don’t even deserve a reward.

Next time, do it for Jesus, and not because of what you will receive. This helps me to be more courageous. If it is not about receiving encouragement or notice, but only because I know in my heart it is right, then, results do not matter. Jesus never was prevented from loving someone from the way He was received.

Now if someone will not receive love, then I can’t force them to receive it. Yet if they are denying the love because they are so hurt that they don’t know how to receive it, then that makes me want to pursue them even more. Christ intensely will pursue someone’s heart, but His Love still must be received. Therefore, I do not love people because they will say thank you or be my friend; I love people because they matter and even Jesus showed they are worth loving. Like Christ says, “Love thy enemies...” Know that the reason that we are able to love with persistence, despite rejection or result, is because it is not truly us, but God’s grace in us.

I find more strength in knowing that it is Christ’s grace that I can do anything. If I feel dead, and as if I cannot even talk to one more youth, or care for one more friend, then Christ will simply do it through me. So many people are slaves to their feelings. Remember, feelings are only a tool. But they are not the limiter of love that can be given, as so many people use feelings. When I feel as if I can give nothing, then it is a powerful time to care for someone. For I know it will only be Jesus and not me. Yes! listen to your feelings when you should rest but know that if you are feeling so crappy or tired, then it is all the more grace Christ will pour forth through and in you.

Take risks. Fear not anymore about what is to be gained from an opportunity. Only look at Jesus on the cross and like him selflessly give of yourself. Yes, God sees the good you do if no one else does. But not only that, He actually does it in you. And your reward will be being united with Him for all eternity, which is what you were created for. Therefore, go and take risks to love and encourage people. You may never receive anything for it, but you will receive a chance to do what Christ did. Is it worth it? Yes, it is what you were created for.

“But whatever gains I had, these I have come to consider a loss because of Christ. More
than that, I even consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ
Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much
rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having any righteousness of my own
based on the law but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God,
depending on faith to know him and the power of his resurrection and [the] sharing of his
sufferings by being conformed to his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the
dead.” -Philippians 3:7-1


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