All Is Not Lost Brothers

By: Kevin Schad

The Church is seemingly in a current state of crisis. A crisis on multiple fronts that includes top-level corruption, clergy abuse, political correctness run-a-muck, dwindling attendance and staggering statistics that show approximately 70% of current Catholics don’t even believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. (Smith, Pew Research Aug 5 2019). Through all of this, dare we say all is not lost, brothers. Daybreak always pierces the sky after the night. The Church appears to be passing through a period in time similar to an eclipse only to shine more brilliantly afterward.

The last 50-60 years opened the Church to unconventional practices and teachings creating confusion. Our churches were modernized, altered priestly formation, the liturgy was changed to be “more pleasant” and “less rigid”, and the sacrifice of our Lord was in many cases changed to a less reverent community worship. Much of the ambiguity seems to have stripped aspects of Christ’s Church that naturally appeal to men. Does this mean men have an excuse not to attend, get involved, or raise their families in the Faith? Absolutely not, in fact, the opposite is required. Sometimes we must look at the positives that shine through the difficulties. The laity has been called to be active. “Faith without action is dead.” -James 2:17. We are to be fulfilling the work of Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. John Paul II says “The future starts today, not tomorrow”. He also stated “Darkness can only be scattered by the light, hatred can only be conquered by love.” (Pope John Paul II)

We are blessed to present at this time in salvation history. It may not seem very clear, but the Lord is working deeply through His faithful. It appears we are at the preface of big change within the world and the Church. We are to play an important role in its execution. As men, it is in our nature to take action when action is necessary. So it is our duty to serve our Lord and to defend Our Holy Mother Church. We must encourage each other through prayer, penance, encouragement, faith and works.

An increased presence of men at a parish can play a huge role in its growth and outreach. An example of this is shown in a recent study published by the Swiss government in 2000. It stated in families where both the father and mother attended church regularly resulted in 33 percent regular attending children and 41 percent irregular.

But, if the father was irregular and the mother regular, only 3 percent of children became regular themselves and 59 percent irregular. In addition, if the father was non-practicing and the mother was regular only 2 percent of children became regular and only 37 percent attended irregularly. But the most shocking statistic of all is when the father regularly attended and the mother was irregular or non-attending the numbers jumped to 38 percent of children attending themselves regularly and 44 percent irregularly! (Craven, Christian Post June 19 2011).

Statistics prove the role of men is a vital part of The Church. There is no room for cowardice. It is time we stand against diabolical attacks on our faith and unite as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please pray for one another and encourage other men in your lives to do the same and stay the course because all is not lost, brothers.

“Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” -1 Corinthians 16:13

Kevin Schad husband to Dana and father of three young adults Timothy, Thomas, and Kourtney. An eager Roman Catholic servant and General Manager of a family entertainment roller skating center outside Jacksonville, Florida. Founder of fledgling men’s catholic prayer group, Catholic Minute Men


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